Are French Bulldog Puppies Easy To Potty Train?

How to train my frenchie puppy?

Are you wondering, are French Bulldog puppies easy to potty train? Well it’s no secret that French Bulldogs are one of the most popular types of dog breeds & have been for a while now. When you consider their small size (adaptable to small apartments, condos or homes) their charming personalities & adorable looks it’s no wonder why they are so highly desired! Furthermore, Frenchies are generally well behaved, playful & comforting making them suitable companions for nearly any living situation. Today we’ll go over how to discipline a French Bulldog. The good news is that they are generally fast learners, & through repetition will start to pick up things quickly. Continue reading for more tips & tricks on how to streamline your Frenchies training process!

How Long Will It Take To Train A French Bulldog?

For some, French Bulldogs have garnered the reputation of a stubborn breed. But it’s likely these Frenchie owners did not apply the right approach or maybe just did not commit enough time. For us, we have found Frenchies to be fast learners. French Bulldogs are charming clever dogs that learn quickly with the right level of encouragement & engagement.

Positive reinforcement will be key to achieve the desired level of manners & obedience in your Frenchie. Through love, praise, & food rewards you can easily achieve your training goals! Remember, when training your French Bulldog puppy repetition will be essential & will greatly impact how quickly your Frenchie picks up new skills.

How To Train My Frenchie Puppy? Where To Start!

If you like many are wondering when the best time would be to start training your French Bulldog puppy, the answer is now! Like all dogs, it is best to begin training your Frenchie early in puppyhood. But not to worry, even older dogs can learn new tricks! At around 8 weeks is a great time to start teaching your Frenchie pup basic obedience commands. A great place to begin is with fundamentals like the sit command, fetch command, & walking on a leash all in exchange for some love & a small treat!

How to train my frenchie puppy?

French Bulldog Training Tips!

Frenchies love routines, this requires you to have the discipline to get up & actively walk your French Bulldog and engage in their training sessions. French Bulldogs do best with quick & lively obedience sessions, the idea is to create short routine sessions that anchor lessons into your Frenchies memory. Keep aware of how many treats you are feeding your Frenchie, because of their short & stocky frame they are prone to put on weight much more easily than other dogs. Avoid overworking your Frenchie, this can be achieved again through short training sessions & always make sure to keep water available for them to drink. Avoid changing any rules down the line, in other words if your Frenchie shouldn’t be on the couch don’t change this rule over time.

How To Potty Train Your Frenchie?

Though it might appear that a different approach is needed to ensure your Frenchie is properly potty trained, really much of the same rules will apply! Through much repetition, patience, routine & encouragement your Frenchie can anchor these lessons into its memory overtime. Keep a schedule, it is imperative that you get in the habit of tending to your Frenchie at set times. 

Once these scheduled potty windows have been committed to your French Bulldogs memory they might even remind you if you forget! Always supervise & accompany your Frenchie at all times, make sure to never leave them unattended outside. & When they successfully go potty outside don’t forget to give them some love, praise & maybe even a small treat too!

If you find yourself getting frustrated or maybe have an especially stubborn Frenchie consider investing in professional training. It is relatively easy to find the support you need on places like Yelp. Thinking of getting a Frenchie of your own? Consider owning a French Bulldog from French Bulldogs Philly, check out our available puppies page for more info!

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